Czerka Corporation team leaders were the junior officers - often in the rank of the lieutenant - in the Czerka paramilitary division during and after the Cold War. Shortly before the end of the Cold War under orders of the facility commander they guided a teams of engineers and chemists who conducted researches in the secret Czerka lab within Republic Research Division located in Tiernon building on the planet Nar Shaddaa. They had minimal scientific background, but were combat experts who underwent extensive commando training and were able to use various weapons and military devices. Czerka extensively brainwashed them ensuring they will fight much harder if combat situation became dire, without thoughts about self-preservation. All of them were killed when a team of Imperial Operativesraided the lab to ensure Czerka-developed prototype sensors would not be used against Empire.
Blaster rifle H3.a1.1
Primary weapon
Pump action
Fire mode
Blast a target repeatedly with a weapon, dealing heavy kinetic damage
Hammering Shot
Fire mode
Fires a series of hammering shots that deal low damage to the target
Flame burst
A special attachment to the weapon that produce medium-range flame towards the target
Fire bomb
Secondary weapon
Incendary grenade
Tactical Accelerant
Increases the damage dealt by all fire-based ammo and equipment